Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lemon & Vanilla Bean Cupcakes with Lemon Curd Filling

It's been a few weeks since I made cucpcakes and I figured it was about time to whip up a batch. A good friend of mine asked for a private class because her sister is coming for a visit tomorrow, I asked her what kind of cupcakes she wanted and she said "lemon". These are pretty time consuming but so worth it.
If someone held a gun to my head and asked me to choose between chocolate and lemon I think I would be saying goodbye to you all right now. I love them both!


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, that looks soooooooo good so I will make brownies since we don't need pineapple and lemon or I may make both and bring half and half!

    Besides making jewelry, you have chosen another expensive hobby and so fattening as well but we do love them!

  2. I had one today and it was delicious! The lemon curd filling was to die yummy was the whole cupcake. Your cupcake talents are something to write about(and so I am!).

  3. These are definitely my favorite but I have loved them all!
