Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Tonight was our Halloween Party at the Senior Center where I work part time and one of our biggest supporter is Commissioner Tom Collins, he is at every single party we have. He told me that he had invited a special guest and that I would want to get my camera ready. I tell you our seniors at this center know how to have a good time. Thanks Tom for ALWAYS being the life of our parties.

Tom Collins, Wayne Newton and Kathleen Newton

So just when things were wrapping up Tom Collins and Wayne were walking out and Tom told me I needed to get over there and give Wayne a hug, his wife was so sweet to take this photo of us. It was so nice of Wayne to come out to our party, he was great and very gracious to everyone .....he even sang Danke Schoen and let some of the ladies sing with him.
Inside joke: I was reminded of our dear friend Patty cakes and her funny story about the time she and her husband went to Wayne Newton show ....I swear I didn't kiss him on the lips.

1 comment:

  1. Holy CRAP! Wayne Newton's hitting on Mom!

    Happy Halloween, Boss...Tanya
