... easy breezy kind of day, the type of day you linger over a great cup of coffee, looking through your most recent jewelry magazines or spending the day wandering the antique stores & then lunch in the tea room with friends or just staying home listening to great music ... yeah A La-Dee-Dah-day
Sinfully Funny- turn off the music player on the right
Wednesday afternoon I went to see Nunsense with Ardith, Tanya and Winston at the Hilton. The show was pretty funny. This clip is the first thing you see in the play. Five of the 19 surviving Little Sisters ofHoboken, a one-timemissionaryorder that ran aleper colonyon an island south ofFrance, discover that their cook, SisterJulia, Child of God, accidentally killed the other fifty-two residents of the convent with hertainted vichyssoisewhile they were off playingbingowith a group ofMaryknolls. Upon discovering the disaster, Mother Superior had a vision in which she was told to start a greeting card company to raise funds for the burials. The greeting cards were an enormous success and, thinking there was plenty of money, the Reverend Mother bought a plasma TVfor the convent, leaving her with no money in the kitty to pay for the last four burials. With the deceased nuns on ice in the deep freeze, they decide to stage a variety show in the Mount Saint Helen's School auditorium to raise the necessary amount. Participating in the project are Mother Superior Mary Regina, a former circus performer who can not resist the spotlight; her competitive but dignified rival, second-in-command Sister Mary Hubert; Sister Robert Anne, a streetwise nun fromBrooklyn; Sister Mary Leo, a novice who is determined to be the world's firstballerinanun; and wacky, childlike Sister Mary Amnesia, who lost her memory when acrucifixfell on her head. The show is a hoot you must go see it.
Thanks for the fun, Boss...I think Sister Amnesia was my favorite! Especially when she was flailing that ruler around!