Saturday, September 7, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Just back from California and had a wonderful visit with my kids and grand kids, I can't believe what farmers they have all become. My son and his chickens, turtles, dogs and dragon lizard (yuk) and my daughters garden with pumpkins, flowers and beautiful plants. Had a great time but OMG am I exhausted. Was able to spend an evening with all my favorite Orange County friends and we all got caught up on our lives ....friends like that are forever seems like I have never been away from them.

She did not want us to pick that egg up
Every morning I would hear this sweet little girl yell "Egg Alert, Egg Alert" and it was our time to go on a daily "Easter Egg Hunt" she is just the sweetest little girl in the world.
Kaleb's first day of school ...7th grade!!! can't believe it

 Grandma's evening out with Kaleb ...Dinner and a movie, "Kick Ass 2" Well Boys will be Boys.

1 comment:

  1. Priceless! Glad you had time with your family and friends!
